Wash hair


  1. If you have an inflatable shampoo tray, place a bath towel under the neck and over the shoulders of your family member.
  2. Place the neck of the patient on the neck support of the shampoo tray.
  3. As an alternative, you can move the person so that his/her head is positioned outside of one of the sides of the bed. Use one hand to support the head of the patient
  4. Place a basin under the patient’s head.
  5. Pour water over hair thoroughly.
  6. Add shampoo to hair.
  7. Carefully massage the patient’s scalp using the tip of your fingers.
  8. Rinse hair.
  9. Remove shampoo tray.
  10. Wrap head with a towel.
  11. Dry hair thoroughly and comb
  12. Wash hands.
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