Pressure ulcer prevention

1. Pressure ulcers occur after extended periods on the same body position and are caused by reduced blood circulation on the affected areas.

2. Pressure ulcers can occur in higher pressure sites such as the heel, malleolus, sacral region, elbow, head and earlobe.

3. Change the patient bed positioning every 2 hours.

4. If possible and according to your family member health condition, you may consider extending this period up to 3 hours.

5. Keep bed sheets well-stretched since wrinkles and folds can injure the skin.

6. You must turn your family member with caution to avoid friction with sheets or armchair.

7. When using anti-bedsore mattresses or pillows, which help protect the areas with bone prominences, it is still advised to change your family member’s positioning regularly.

8. Avoid skin strong rubbing when bathing

9. Use a cream to massage the skin after bathing since hydration works as a protective barrier and massage improve blood circulation.

10. Keep the skin clean and dry since humidity favours the occurrence of pressure ulcers.

11. If your family member is using diaper it should be changed whenever soiled.

12. You should provide small amounts of liquids to your family member to avoid dehydration, even if he/she does not feel the need to drink.

13. If your family member has a reddish area, you must contact the nurse and avoid positioning him/her to the affected side.

14. It is important the daily ingestion of meat, fish, eggs and dairy products (proteins) to help prevent pressure ulcers.

15. Occasionally nutritional supplements might be necessary.
