Feeding the person

The following questions are addressed:

  • How should I feed my family member?
  • How can I prevent and solve complications that might arise?

The following information is complementary to the recommendations provided by the nurse.

Feeding by mouth is taking solid or liquid food to the mouth.

When your family member is no longer able to start and complete this task alone, assistance is required.

It is expected that your family member gets all the necessary nutrients for the proper body functioning (food substances necessary for the maintenance of life – proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, fibres and water) and ensuring well-being.

Despite your family member’s limited ability in self-feeding, it is vital to encourage him/her to participate in the whole process enhancing patient’s autonomy. Promote your family member’s self-confidence.

‘Aiding’ does not mean ‘replacing’. Assist your family member and only perform the activities that he/she is not able to complete.


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