Wash perineum

A – Person collaborating

  1. The person should be lying back, knees bent and feet apart.
  2. Place waterproof pad on buttocks.
  3. Place the towel
  4. Place bedpan
  5. Remove bedpan after the patient finishes washing
  6. Dry perineal area.
  7. Wash hands.

B – Person not collaborating

  1. The person should be lying back, knees bent and feet apart.

In women: wash the suprapubic area, keeping labia majora aside using the non-dominant hand.

  1. Wash pubic area from front to back (anus), in a single stroke, using the dominant hand. Repeat procedure and change sponge if necessary.
  2. Dry perineal area.
  3. Wash hands.

In men: wash the suprapubic area, holding the penis and pulling prepuce down.

  1. Wash the glans and urinary meatus with a circular movement of the meatus outward and downward towards the base of the penis.  Repeat procedure and change sponge if necessary.
  2. Pull prepuce to its natural position.
  3. Wash scrotum (pay attention to adjacent skin fold)
  4. Dry perineal area.
  5. Wash hands.
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